Very famous Works of Art that you didn’t know were in Rome (must-see)

World-Famous paintings, sculptures, places that you have certainly heard about but didn’t know that were in Rome. These are “must-see” masterpieces in the city of the Pope.



The School of Athens

Artist: Raphael

Exhibition: Vatican Museums, Raphael Rooms 

Raphael’s masterpiece adorns the walls of the Vatican Museums, depicting a harmonious gathering of great philosophers and intellectuals from ancient Greece. This fresco epitomizes the Renaissance spirit and showcases Raphael’s mastery of composition and perspective.

The Creation of Adam

Exhibition: Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museums

Artist: Michelangelo

One of the most recognizable frescoes in the world, Michelangelo’s masterpiece adorns the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The iconic image of God reaching out to touch Adam’s hand is a powerful representation of divine creation and human potential

The Triumph of Galatea

Exhibition: Villa Farnesina

Artist: Raphael

Raphael’s fresco in the Villa Farnesina tells the story of Galatea, a sea nymph, surrounded by gods and cherubs. 

Judith Beheading Holofernes

Exhibition: Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini

Artist: Caravaggio

This powerful and visceral painting portrays the biblical heroine Judith beheading the Assyrian general Holofernes. Caravaggio’s masterful depiction of bloodshed and intense emotions leaves a lasting impression on those who encounter it.

Cover of the issue 1 of Diablerie

The Conversion of Saint Paul

Exhibition: Church of Santa Maria del Popolo

Artist: Caravaggio

In this dynamic masterpiece, Caravaggio captures the pivotal moment of Saint Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. The dramatic use of light and shadow, combined with the intense expressions of the figures, creates a sense of divine revelation.

Portrait of Pope Innocent X

Exhibition: Galleria Doria Pamphilj

Artist: Diego Velázquez

This striking portrait by Velázquez captures the stern and commanding presence of Pope Innocent X. The artist Francis Bacon made a controversial distorted version of this in 1953.

World-Famous paintings, sculptures, places that you have certainly heard about but didn’t know that were in Rome. These are “must-see” masterpieces in the city of the Pope.


Venus Victrix

Exhibition: Galleria Borghese

Artist: Antonio Canova

Canova’s neoclassical sculpture depicts Venus, the goddess of love, in a famous graceful pose. The marble sculpture’s exquisite craftsmanship and delicate features embody the beauty and elegance of classical art.


The Pietà

Exhibition: St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City

Artist: Michelangelo

This iconic sculpture, housed within St. Peter’s Basilica, portrays the Virgin Mary cradling the lifeless body of Jesus. Michelangelo’s mastery of marble brings forth profound emotion and captures the sorrow and compassion of the scene.

Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

Exhibition: Santa Maria della Vittoria church

Artist: Gian Lorenzo Bernini

This statue takes center stage in the movie Angels and Demons directed by Ron Howard.

Apollo and Daphne

Exhibition: Galleria Borghese

Artist: Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Bernini’s masterpiece captures the dramatic transformation of Daphne into a laurel tree to escape the pursuit of Apollo. The sculpture’s dynamic composition, intricate textures, and lifelike depiction of the figures demonstrate Bernini’s unrivaled talent as a sculptor.

The Rape of Proserpina

Exhibition: Galleria Borghese

Artist: Gian Lorenzo Bernini

This extraordinary sculpture depicts the abduction of Proserpina by Pluto, the god of the underworld. The tension of the scene and the remarkable details of the hands make this artwork a masterpiece of baroque sculpture.


Exhibition: Capitoline Museums

Artist: Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Bernini’s marble sculpture portrays the menacing figure of Medusa, the Gorgon with snakes for hair. The intricate details, expressive facial features, and the sense of movement are typical of Bernini.

Angel with the Superscription

Exhibition: Sant’Andrea delle Fratte

Artist: Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Located in the church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte, Bernini’s sculpture depicts an angel holding the inscription that Pontius Pilate placed on the cross during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The Discobolus

Exhibition: National Roman Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme

Artist: Unknown

This Roman copy of a lost Greek original portrays an athlete in the moment of throwing a discus. The Discobolus serves as a testament to the Greeks’ admiration for the human form and their celebration of athletic achievements. Its influence has spanned centuries, inspiring countless artists and leaving an indelible mark on the world of art.

The Boxer at Rest

Exhibition: National Roman Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme

Artist: Unknown

This ancient Greek sculpture depicts a weary boxer resting after a fight. The sculpture’s battered and exhausted appearance, along with the detailed depiction of the boxer’s physique, captures the physical and emotional toll of the sport, providing a glimpse into ancient athletic culture.

Cupid and Psyche

Exhibition: Capitoline Museums

Artist: Unknown

The statue of Cupid and Psyche in the Capitoline Museums in Rome depicts a scene from classical mythology. It portrays the mythical lovers, Cupid (also known as Eros) and Psyche, in an intimate embrace. The story of Cupid and Psyche originates from Roman mythology and revolves around the trials and tribulations of their forbidden love. This statue has inspired Canova to create his famous version of the scene.

World-Famous paintings, sculptures, places that you have certainly heard about but didn’t know that were in Rome. These are “must-see” masterpieces in the city of the Pope.


The Mouth of Truth

Location: Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin

Artist: Unknown

The Mouth of Truth, a large marble disc with a carved face, is located in the portico of the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin. Legend has it that the stone would bite the hand of anyone telling a lie. This ancient relic attracts visitors who test their truthfulness by inserting their hand into the mouth.

The City of Tivoli

Location: Near Rome

The city of Tivoli, located near Rome, is renowned for its breathtaking natural and architectural beauty. Its picturesque landscapes, including the stunning Villa d’Este and Hadrian’s Villa, have inspired numerous places around the world bearing the same name. Exploring Tivoli allows visitors to witness the convergence of history, art, and nature in a truly remarkable setting.